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  • polski
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October 2025 - June 2026

General structure of the language and cultural education

•    Teaching Polish grammar, language skills and other topics:
1.   listening comprehension (preparing students to understand academic classes),
2.   understanding of written text (preparing for independent work with popular science and press texts),
3.   writing (e.g. the ability to write a lecture note),
4.   speaking (conversations in formal and informal situations, achieving communication fluency important for the role of a student),
5.   teaching vocabulary (in line with the planned fields of study or professional activities),
6.   teaching Polish pronunciation,
7.   cultural and real-life education. In the first and second semester, the program of studies includes the subject "Knowledge about Poland". The program of these classes is carried out in three thematic blocks (1. Geography, 2. History, 3. Culture / customs / realities),
8.   in the first and second semester, there are mid-term tests, which allow teachers to monitor and diagnose learning progress.

First semester

•    The teacher chooses the main textbook according to the language competence of a given group. The curriculum is implemented on the basis of the selected textbook, exercises in general and profiled course textbooks for a given level of language proficiency, and own, original materials prepared by the teacher.
•    The participants of the One Year Preparatory course, consolidate or repeat grammar issues, learn vocabulary in important and useful subject areas and practice language skills.
•    In the first semester, the emphasis in language education is on exercises that help to achieve good or very good communication skills as soon as possible, related to the role of a future student, resident of a student dormitory, inhabitant of a new place / new reality.
•    The first semester ends with an achievement test on the introduced material.

Second semester

•     After the beginning of the summer semester, those participants of the One Year Preparatory course who have achieved the level of minimum A2 / B1 fill in a special survey on their future fields of study.
•    This semester consolidates the linguistic issues that enable the achievement of language competence at the B1 / B2 level or higher and expands the vocabulary within the thematic fields related to the planned fields of study.
•    At the end of the second semester, the program of all classes covers topics related to the fields of study chosen by the participants of the One Year Preparatory Course. The skills practiced by the participants during the course include writing lecture notes, discussing, asking questions, etc.

Important information:
a.    In the summer semester, the particpants completing the One Year Preparatory Course take the final test of achievement in Polish as a foreign language, consisting of the following parts: 1. listening comprehension, 2. grammar, 3. reading comprehension, 4. writing, 5. speaking, as well as final tests in other subjects.
b.    Final tests of achievements in all classes/subjects are prepared for specific groups in a given academic year and usually cover language issues at levels A1/A2, A2/B1 and B1/B2.
c.    Upon completion of the One Year Preparatory Course, the participants receive a course completion certificate including the results obtained on the final achievement test in all subjects.
d.    The certificate of completion of the One Year Preparatory Course is one of the documents required during the recruitment for studies at the University of Wrocław. Pursuant to the regulations in force at the University of Wrocław, candidates for studies in Polish are required to submit a certificate confirming their knowledge of Polish at least at the B1 level. More information can be found on the website of the University of Wrocław in the "Recruitment" tab (https://rekrutacja.uni.wroc.pl/).
e.   Each participant of the One Year Preparatory Course is obliged to obey the rules specified in the regulations.

Participants of the One Year Preparatory Course also have access to a library with textbooks for learning Polish, audio discs with sets of tasks for practising listening comprehension as well as films.

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